find_manually_created_transcript() function to specifically find manual subscripts, similar to this we have. find_transcript() function that helps us to get the actual transcript of the video we are wanting along with the metadata. translate() function to convert/translate the caption from one language to another if at all it’s translatable (since we have only English subtitles for this language it might be not evident in this case, but this translation is very useful if there are transcripts of more than one language in the video). fetch() function to fetch the actual transcript.

Next, we use functions to fetch some data about the transcript from the metadata obtained.It returns the TranscriptList object which is iterable and provides methods to filter the list of transcripts for specific languages and types. This function returns us all the transcripts of all the languages available for the video. Now to get the list of all transcripts of a video we can use the.Since the video we are considering for this example, only has English subtitles so both the examples gave us the same answer. ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam.ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys.GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys.DevOps Engineering - Planning to Production.Python Backend Development with Django(Live).Android App Development with Kotlin(Live).Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live).Java Programming - Beginner to Advanced.

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